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VAIRRS Webinars

Throughout the year, Enterprise Protections, Regulatory, Outreach, and Systems (ePROS) hosts a monthly VAIRRS webinar to provide expert advice, training, demonstration, and/or direction to the VA research community regarding the various topics around the VA Innovation Research and Review System (VAIRRS) transition. The subjects of the webinars range from tracking projects to FA+SR to best practices and much more.

Date Title Presenter(s)
01/28/2025 VAIRRS Monthly Webinar: Financial Conflict of Interest (FCOI) Training – Office of General Counsel (OGC) Ethics and Operationalizing for IRBNet

Topics covered:

Target Audience: ACOS, AOs, IRB Staff/Admin, R&D Committees, VAIRRS Staff/Admin, Researchers, Investigators, General ORD Training

Objectives: The purpose of this webinar is to provide a Financial Conflict of Interest (FCOI) Training that covers the following: documents required for IRBNet submission, Office of General Counsel (OGC) Ethics’ communication during the review and results process, and post-review IRBNet actions. The VAIRRS Monthly Webinar Series offers the VA research community expert advice, training, demonstrations, and/or direction regarding various VAIRRS topics.

Alex Miller, Attorney Advisor
08/28/2024 VAIRRS Monthly Webinar: Enterprise Research Data Security Plan (ERDSP) Wizard Training

Topics covered:

Target Audience: ACOS, AOs, IRB Staff/Admin, R&D Committees, VAIRRS Staff/Admin, Researchers, Investigators, General ORD Training

Objectives: The purpose of this webinar is to introduce the new Enterprise Research Data Security Plan (ERDSP) Wizard.

Branden Lathan, Information Technology Cybersecurity Specialist
07/30/2024 VAIRRS Webinar Series: Financial Conflict of Interest (fCOI) Module for Investigators (Session 2)

Topics covered:

Target Audience: ACOS, AOs, IRB Staff/Admin, R&D Committees, VAIRRS Staff/Admin, Researchers, Investigators, General ORD Training

Objectives: The purpose of this webinar is to train researchers and investigators on completing the IRBNet COI module.

Angela Foster, ePROS Program Manager
07/16/2024 VAIRRS Webinar Series: Financial Conflict of Interest (fCOI) Module for Researchers and Investigators

Topics covered:

Target Audience: ACOS, AOs, IRB Staff/Admin, R&D Committees, VAIRRS Staff/Admin, Researchers, Investigators, General ORD Training

Objectives: The purpose of this webinar is to describe the implementation requirements for the new VHA Directive 1200.13: Financial Conflicts of Interest and Outside Compensation for Performance in VA research.

Angela Foster, ePROS Program Manager
06/27/2024 VAIRRS Monthly Webinar: Standard "Multi-site" and "Co-investigator at a Different Site" Processes

Topics covered:

Target Audience: ACOS, AOs, IRB Staff/Admin, R&D Committees, VAIRRS Staff/Admin, Researchers, General ORD Training

Objectives: Join the June feature of the VAIRRS Monthly Webinar to refresh and learn more about the standard "multi-site" and "co-investigator at a different site" processes. The VAIRRS Monthly Webinar Series offers expert advice, training, demonstrations, and/or direction to the VA research community regarding the various topics around VAIRRS. 

Jessica Kroll, VA Central IRB Administrator
06/18/2024 Implementation of VHA Directive 1200.13: Financial Conflicts of Interest and Interest and Outside Compensation for Performance in VA Research

Topics covered:

Target Audience: VA research leadership and administrators; R&D Committee Chairs and members; VA Investigators; interested members of the VA research community

Objectives: The presenters for this webinar will be Tony Laracuente, MBA; Director of Field Operations; ORD; Karen Jeans,PhD, CCRN, CIP; Director of Regulatory Affairs, EPROS; ORD; Angela ‘Angie’ Foster, MS, FAC-P/PM Senior Level; Program Manager, EPROS;ORD; and Christopher Britt, JD; VA Office of General Counsel Ethics Specialty Team.

The purpose of this webinar is to describe the implementation requirements for the new VHA Directive 1200.13: Financial Conflicts of Interest and Outside Compensation for Performance in VA research.

At the conclusion of the webinar, learners will:

1. Describe the key responsibilities required by VHA Directive 1200.13 for VA Medical Center Director, ACOS/R, AO/R, R&D Committee, Financial Conflict of Interest (FCOI) Administrators, and VA Investigators;

2. Identify key requirements for submission and review of the Research Financial Conflict of Interest (FCOI) Statement, OGE Form 450 Alternative-VA ("Alt-450");

3. Describe how training for Financial Conflict of Interest Administrators' training for review of the OGE 450 Alt-450 VA will be conducted; and

4. Identify training resources provided by ORD on the VAIRRS Research Conflict of Interest Module.

C. Karen Jeans, Director of Regulatory Affairs, EPROS; ORD
05/28/2024 VAIRRS Data Webinar Series: Introduction to the VAIRRS Data Integrity Initiative

Topics covered:

Target Audience: ACOS, AOs, IRB Staff/Admin, R&D Committees, VAIRRS Staff/Admin, Researchers, General ORD Training

Objectives: Join the May feature of the new VAIRRS Data Series Webinar to learn more about the VAIRRS data integrity initiative and its potential impact on your program. The VAIRRS Monthly Webinar Series offers expert advice, training, demonstrations, and/or direction to the VA research community regarding the various topics around VAIRRS. 

Angela Foster, ePROS Program Manager
05/01/2024 VA Non-research Module Pilot Launch

Topics covered: vairrs

Dr. Molly Klote, Deputy CRADO, ePROS and Dr. Jeff Ferraro, Associate Director, VINCI
12/05/2023 VAIRRS Monthly Webinar: End of Year Updates including New Wizards

Topics covered:

Objectives: Join the December feature of the VAIRRS Monthly Webinar Series to learn more about the new VAIRRS wizards, expired project notifications, and other important updates. The purpose of the VAIRRS Monthly Webinar Series is to provide expert advice, training, demonstration, and/or direction to the VA research community regarding the various topics around the VA Innovation and Research Review System (VAIRRS).

VAIRRS Support Team; Angela Foster, Program Manager, Enterprise Research Data Systems, ORPPE
10/24/2023 VAIRRS: VA Central IRB Forms and Process Updates

Topics covered: Objectives: The VA Central IRB will be providing an overview of the final release of new project forms and process changes. Additionally, an update will be provided on the Continuing Review process.

Jessica Kroll, MA, CIP, VA Central IRB Administrator; Don Workman, Ph.D., VA IRB Network Director
08/31/2023 HRPP Bimonthly Updates in VA Research: August 2023

Topics covered:

Objectives:  The purpose of this bi-monthly webinar is to update the VA research community on various topics related to human subjects protections.  August’s planned topics include:

  • Humanitarian Use Devices, including review requirements and VAIRRS tips
  • Updates on the CDC TPOXX Expanded Access Program (EAP) for MPOX, including
  • Approval of continuing review approval for the protocol until July 23, 2024
  • Commercial IRB issues, including:
  • Update on ORD’s data call on remediation of informed  consent documents approved by the Advarra IRB
  • ORD questions and answers from VA Facilities on human subjects protections issues and ORD policies.

Karen Jeans, PhD, CCRN, CIP; Director of Regulatory Affairs, ORPP&E
08/15/2023 VAIRRS Monthly Webinar Series: New Wizards

Topics covered:

Objectives: The purpose of the VAIRRS Monthly Webinar Series is to provide expert advice, training, demonstration, and/or direction to the VA research community regarding the various topics around the VA Innovation and Research Review System (VAIRRS).

VAIRRS Support Team; Angela Foster, Program Manager, Enterprise Research Data Systems, ORPP&E
06/27/2023 VAIRRS Monthly Webinar Series: VA Central IRB Updates on New Processes and Forms

Topics covered: Objective:
The purpose of the VAIRRS Monthly Webinar Series is to provide expert advice, training, demonstration, and/or direction to the VA research community regarding the various topics around the VA Innovation and Research Review System (VAIRRS).

Jessica Kroll, MA, CIP
06/13/2023 VAIRRS: VA Central IRB Continuing Review Process and Form Changes

Topics covered: Objective: The purpose of this webinar is to provide an overview of changes to the PS/SC and LSI continuing review forms and process.

Jessica Kroll, MA, CIP
05/30/2023 VAIRRS Monthly Webinar Series: Data Availability

Topics covered: Objective/Purpose: Join the May feature of the VAIRRS data integrity webinar series to learn more about the VAIRRS data platforms, presented by the VAIRRS Support Team and ORPP&E Program Manager Angela Foster. The purpose of the VAIRRS Monthly Webinar Series is to provide expert advice, training, demonstration, and/or direction to the VA research community regarding the various topics around the VA Innovation and Research Review System (VAIRRS).

VAIRRS Support Team; Angela Foster, Program Manager, Enterprise Research Data Systems, Office of Research Protections, Policy, and Education (ORPP&E)
04/11/2023 VAIRRS Monthly Webinar Series: How to Properly Utilize the Research Admin Workspace in IRBNet

Topics covered: Objectives: VAIRRS is launching a new data integrity se-ries to the monthly webinar schedule. The first installment will focus on how researchers and administrators properly utilize the research admin workspace in IRBNet.

Angela Foster, ORPP&E Program Manager
02/28/2023 VAIRRS Monthly Webinar Series: VA Central IRB Quality Assurance Process in IRBNet

Topics covered: Objective:
The purpose of VAIRRS Monthly Webinar series is to provide expert advice, training, demonstration, and/or direction to the VA research community regarding the various topics around the VA Innovation and Research Review System (VAIRRS).

Jessica Kroll, MA, CIP
01/24/2023 VAIRRS Monthly Webinar Series: VAIRRS University Walk-Through

Topics covered:

Purpose:  Join the VAIRRS January webinar to learn more about VAIRRS University, a revised training library designed to promote self-education and independent learning. This new platform will allow VA research employees to easily locate and access VAIRRS-specific training resources.

The purpose of VAIRRS Monthly Webinar is to provide expert advice, training, demonstration, and/or direction to the VA research community regarding the various topics around the VA Innovation and Research Review System (VAIRRS).

Angela Foster, ORPP&E Program Manager
11/28/2022 VAIRRS Monthly Webinar Series: VAIRRS Ambassador Highlight - VA Greater Los Angeles Healthcare System

Topics covered: Join the VAIRRS November webinar to learn about the September Ambassador, VA Greater Los Angeles Healthcare System, their experience with VAIRRS and tips for the field.

The purpose of VAIRRS Monthly Webinar is to provide expert advice, training, demonstration, and/or direction to the VA research community regarding the various topics around the VA Innovation and Research Review System (VAIRRS).

Cody Knight, IRBNet/iMedRIS System Admin & Quantitative Core Team, VA Greater Los Angeles Healthcare System (VISN 22) - Medical Research Service
10/18/2022 Conflict of Interest (COI) Module for Investigators and Committee Members

Topics covered: VAIRRS

Angela Foster, ORPP&E Program Manager
09/21/2022 VA Electronic Determination Aid (VAEDA) Full Launch

Topics covered: VAEDA, VAIRRS

Dr. Molly Klote; Dr. Jeffrey Ferraro, PhD, MSc; Don Workman, PhD; Angela Foster
09/20/2022 IRBNet Basics for Investigators

Topics covered: VAIRRS

VAIRRS Support Team, Angela Foster
08/23/2022 Submission Process for Multiple Co-PIs (VAIRRS)

Topics covered: VAIRRS

Angela Foster & Jessica Kroll
07/19/2022 VAIRRS Ambassador Highlight: William S. Middleton Memorial Veterans Hospital

Topics covered: The purpose of VAIRRS Monthly Webinar is to provide expert advice, training, demonstration, and/or direction to the VA research community regarding the various topics around the VA Innovation Research Review System (VAIRRS).

Angela Foster, Aaron Heneghan, Karen D. Hoffman, Jamie M. Swanlund
06/28/2022 Best Practices on How to Track and Locate Approved Documents in IRBNet

Topics covered: vairrs

Daniel P. Edwards & Angela Foster
05/24/2022 IRBNet Basics for Investigators

Topics covered: VAIRRS Monthly Webinar – IRBNet Basics for Investigators

Angela Foster
04/26/2022 VAIRRS Dashboards and How to Utilize Facility Data

Topics covered: VAIRRS Dashboards and How to Utilize Facility Data

Angela Foster, Nelson Vasconcelos, and Katrina Young
03/31/2022 VA Central IRB: Quarterly Webinar Duplicate Project Reconciliation

Topics covered: VAIRRS, VA Central IRB: Quarterly Webinar Duplicate Project Reconciliation

Angela Foster; Don E. Workman; Jeff Newcomb
02/22/2022 Central IRB Continuing Review - Best Practices

Topics covered: Central IRB Continuing Review - Best Practices, VAIRRS

Mary A. Eckart (VHACLE), Angela Foster
01/31/2022 VAIRRS Monthly Webinar Kickoff: Feasibility/Alignment & Scientific Review

Topics covered: VAIRRS Monthly Webinar Kickoff: Feasibility/Alignment & Scientific Review

Dr. Mary (Molly) Klote
10/07/2021 IRBNet 101 for Central IRB Coordinators and Investigators - FY 22 Qtr 1

Topics covered: CIRB submission; IRBnet; VAIRRS; Optimization Dashboards; Enrolling in IRBNet; IRBNet Terms

Angela Foster, VAIRRS Program Manager; Jessica Kroll, VA Central IRB Administrator; Christine O’Brien, VA Central IRB Manager; Don Workman, VA IRB Network Director
07/27/2021 VAIRRS How To Series 3: Insight Reports and Running Macros Focused on Expiration Dates and Continuing Reviews

Topics covered: VA Central IRB, VA CIRB, IRBNet, VAIRRS, VA Innovation and Research Review System, Macros, Insight Reports, Expiration Dates, and Continuing Reviews

Angela Foster, PM/COR, VAIRRS and VAEDA; Nelson Vasconcelos, Senior Management Analyst, Goldschmitt and Associates LLC
06/10/2021 VAIRRS How To Series 2: Getting the Most out of Insight Reports

Topics covered: VAIRRS, IRBNet Insight Reports, Macro, Excel

Nelson Vasconcelos, Angie Foster, Erica Aulik
04/08/2021 VA CIRB New Submission Platform for CSP NSCs, PMs, and NODES Managers

Topics covered: VA Central IRB, VA CIRB, IRBNet, VAIRRS, VA Innovation and Research Review System, CSP, Cooperative Studies Programs, OGC 450 Alt-VA, OGC 450 Alt VA, Financial conflict of interest form, FCOIs, Financial conflicts

Angie Foster, Christie O’Brien, Don Workman, PhD, and Jeff Newcomb
03/03/2021 VA Central IRB Researcher and Study Team Training

Topics covered: IRB Net, IRBNet Administrator, VA Central IRB Site Liaison, VA CIRB Site Liaison, VAIRRS, CIRB SharePoint, Share Point, VA CIRB, VA Central IRB, IRBNet Gatekeeper, VA CIRB Submissions

Angela Foster, Christine O’Brien, Lindsey Martin, Don E. Workman, Ph.D.
03/02/2021 VA Central IRB Site Liaison and IRBNet Administrator Training

Topics covered: IRB Net, IRBNet Administrator, VA Central IRB Site Liaison, VA CIRB Site Liaison, VAIRRS, CIRB SharePoint, Share Point, VA CIRB, VA Central IRB, IRBNet Gatekeeper, VA CIRB Submissions

Angela Foster, Christine O’Brien, Lindsey Martin, Don E. Workman, Ph.D.
09/23/2020 VAIRRS How-to Series 1: Tracking studies that do not require Continuing Review

Topics covered: VAIRRS, IRBNet Reports, IRB Net, IRB Continuing Reviews, R&D Committee Continuing Reviews, Tracking studies, lapse in IRB approval, approval lapse, lapse in approval

Angela Foster, Soundia Duche, MA, MS, Jennifer Ordman, MPH

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