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Data Shoutouts

Data Integrity Completion Campaign

Data Integrity Completion Campaign

VAIRRS data integrity continued to improve in November. The “Data Integrity” page on the Field Staff Reporting (FSR) Dashboard provides each VAIRRS site with the data and tools needed to ensure the accuracy, completeness, consistency, and reliability of their program’s data. To date, 49% of overall project status flags and 54% of Institutional Review Board (IRB) risk level issues have been resolved since the launch of the “Data Integrity” page in June 2024.

Please Note: Overall project status includes the Research and Development Committee (RDC) blank yellow flags. Overall project status flags occur when a project’s status is inconsistent with boards outside of the RDC. IRB issues occur when a discrepancy exists between IRB status and risk level.

The goal of the VAIRRS team is to remove all flags and issues within the system to ensure VA researchers have access to the most accurate data. Help us improve data integrity. Please continue to review any overall project status flags on an ongoing basis and send them to reviewers or committees to make the necessary updates. 

VAIRRS Measurable Outcomes

View 2023 VAIRRS Measurable Outcomes

VAIRRS Wizard Completion Campaign

VAIRRS  Oveview Data

VAIRRS is uniquely positioned to assist VA facilities in the conduct of VA research and can withstand the changing pressures of their research needs, including:

  • Oversight needs of the research programs and institutions
  • Collaborative needs of dually appointed VHA investigators
  • Regulatory changes of the new Common Rule (2019)

Study Team Tracking Wizard Completion Campaign

The Study Team Tracking (STT) Wizard completion rate is currently at 27%. Please continue to work with site administrators to ensure all STTs are submitted.

IRB Information Sheet Wizard Completion Campaign

As of January 2024, we have a 72% completion rate. Please continue to ensure all human research projects are recorded in IRBNet, including all human research projects under the oversight of an external IRB.

PCS Wizard Completion Campaign

As of January 2024, the active Project Cover Sheets (PCS) completion rate stands at 88% with 16,117 completed wizards. We thank everyone for their dedication to this effort. Completed PCS wizards are the foundation of the VAIRRS database, which serve as a critical information source for ORD and VHA leadership. Please continue to ensure all new and active projects conducted at your facility have completed a PCS wizard. If you have questions regarding Project Cover Sheets, reference the VAIRRS FAQs or contact

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