VA research is different from research sponsored by other federal research agencies:
- VA Research is the only research program focused entirely on Veterans' needs.
- VA Research is intramural, meaning only VA employees can conduct research under VA's sponsorship. Typically, VA researchers collaborate with academic institutions. This is an exceptional benefit because it allows VA Research to identify the direct needs of patients at chair and bed side, and to find discoveries and innovations directly in-step with these needs—keeping the Veteran at the center of health care from the very beginning.
- More than 60 percent of VA researchers are also clinicians who provide direct patient care, which is important because it allows VA Research to quickly move scientific discovery from the research setting to advancements in health care and to recruit the best and brightest healthcare professionals.
Application & Submission Process
4670 - Position Classification Worksheet for Research Positions (VA network access only)
Additional forms are available on the VHA's database of electronic forms.
Professional Development