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Med Health/BBMH Research Career Scientist Awards

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Medical Health (Med Health) and Brain Behavioral and Mental Health (BBMH) Broad Portfolios recognize the critical contributions that non-clinician scientists make to our research program. The intramural nature of VA research encourages our investigators to make VA their primary professional focus. This includes participation in local and national committees, leadership of research core facilities, collaboration with clinician scientists, teaching, mentoring, and supervising junior investigators, and stewardship of shared resources.

In recognition of these efforts, we offer a funding mechanism to support the salaries of non-clinician scientists who have demonstrated extraordinary contributions to VA research beyond their own funded studies and programs: the Research Career Scientist (RCS) award.

The RCS award provides 5-years of salary support. The Senior Research Career Scientist (SRCS) award is provided to highly productive international leaders, who have achieved wide recognition of accomplishments in their research area, and provides 7-years of salary support. For more information about the RCS program, please refer to the documents below.

Please note that mid-term reports are no longer required for RCS awards as of October 1, 2024. Awardees must submit annual Research Performance Progress Reports (RPPRs) through eRA commons in lieu of the mid-term report.

RCS applications are accepted electronically via Submission deadlines may be found in the RCS funding opportunity document (RFA) at: ISRM Notices of Special Interest (NOSIs) and Requests for Applications - (Intranet only, copy and paste into your browser if you have VA network access) . Preapplications are required for all new, resubmission, and renewal RCS applications. The RCS RFA must be used in conjunction with the most current VA version of the SF424 (R&R) Application Guide.

Inquiries about the RCS Program should be directed to

Med Health/BBMH Research Career Scientist Awards

Updated 01/29/25




Research Area

RCS Aguiar, Ricardo C South Texas VA HCSCancer (Lymphoma)
RCS Ahmad, Nihal Madison, WICancer (Skin)
RCS Allen, Matthew Indianapolis, INBone Disorders
RCS Alrefai, Waddah A Chicago, ILBile Acid Transport
SRCS Azhar, Salman Palo Alto, CADiabetes and Related Disorders (NAFLD)
RCS Banerjee, Sushanta Kansas City, MOCancer
RCS Banik, Naren Charleston, SCSpinal Cord Injury
RCS Barrientos, Antoni Miami, FLNeurodegenerative Diseases
RCS Basnakian, Alexi Little Rock, ARKidney Diease
SRCS Becker, Howard Charleston, SCAlcohol Use Disorders
SRCS Beckham, Jean C Durham, NCMental Health (PTSD, SUDs)
RCS Bellido, Teresita IndianapolisBone biology/osteocytes
SRCS Bickford, Paula C Tampa, FLNeurodegenerative Diseases (AD, PD, TBI)
SRCS Bishop, Gail A Iowa City, IACancer (Immunology)
RCS Bollag, Wendy Augusta, GAAcute & Combat-Related Injury (Wound healing)
RCS Brecha, Nicholas C West Los Angeles, CASensory Loss (Vision)
RCS Bysani, Chandrasekar Columbia, MOCardiovascular Disease
SRCS Casey, Carol A Omaha, NEDigestive Diseases (AFLD)
SRCS Cecchini, Gary San Francisco, CAMitochondrial Diseases
SRCS Chalfant, Charles E Tampa, FLCancer (NSCLC)
RCS Chang, Wenhan San Francisco, CANeurodenerative Diseases, bone disorders
RCS Chao, Linda San Francisco, CANeurodegenerative Diseases, Gulf War Illness
RCS Chen, Jin Nashville, TNCancer (Lung)
SRCS Chen, Jun Pittsburgh, PABrain Disorders (Stroke, TBI)
RCS Chen, Suzie East Orange, NJCancer (Melanoma)
RCS Chen, Yabing Birmingham, ALCardiovascular Disease
RCS Chua, Katrin Palo Alto, CACancer, Aging
RCS Citron, Bruce East Orange, NJTraumatic Brain Injury, Gulf War Illness
SRCS Clemens, Thomas L Baltimore, MDBone Disorders
RCS Colgan, Sean Aurora, CODigestive Diseases
SRCS Cowart, Lauren A. Richmond, VAMetabolic Disorders
RCS Crawford, Fiona Tampa, FLBrain Disorders (AD & TBI & GWI)
RCS Cushion, Melanie T Cincinnati, OHInfectious Diseases (Pneumocystis)
SRCS Dahiya, Rajvir San Francisco, CACancer (Prostate)
RCS Datta, Pran Birmingham, ALCancer
SRCS Davis, John S Omaha, NEEndocrine Disorders
RCS Del Poeta, Maurizio Northport, NYInfectious Diseases
RCS Dhawan, Punita Omaha, NECancer (colon)
SRCS Dong, Zheng Augusta, GAKidney Disorders (AKI)
RCS Dracheva, Stella Bronx, NYMental health (depressive disorders)
SRCS Dudeja, Pradeep K Chicago, ILGastroenterology (Ion transport)
SRCS El-Rifai, Wael Miami, FLCancer (gastric)
SRCS Ergul, Adviye Charleston, SCCerebral Circulation
RCS Fan, Jie Pittsburgh, PASurgery (Shock)
SRCS Feinstein, Douglas L Chicago, ILBrain Disorders (MS)
RCS Fliesler, Steven J Buffalo, NYSensory Loss (Vision)
SRCS Ford, Judith M San Francisco, CAMental Health (Schizophrenia)
RCS Francis, Heather IndianapolisDigestive Diseases
RCS Freeman, Willard Oklahoma City, OKAging
RCS Galvan, Veronica Oklahoma City, OKNeurodegenerative Diseases
RCS Gao, Allen C Sacramento, CACancer (Prostate)
RCS Griffith, Thomas Minneapolis, MNSepsis, immune response, urology
SRCS Gukovskaya, Anna S West Los Angeles, CAPancreatitis
SRCS Haghighi, Fatemeh Bronx, NYEpigenetics (TBI, depression, suicidal behavior)
RCS Hay, Nissim Chicago, ILCancer
SRCS Hazlett, Erin Bronx, NYMental Health (Sz)
RCS Head, Brian San Diego, CANeurodegenerative Diseases
RCS Hioe, Catarina E Bronx, NYInfectious Diseases (HIV)
RCS Ho, Shuk-Mei Little Rock, ARCancer (Prostate)
RCS Huang, Ngan Palo Alto, CARegenerative Medicine
SRCS Jarvis, Gary San Francisco, CAInfectious Diseases (Neisseria)
SRCS Joyce, Sebastian Nashville, TNInfectious Diseases (TB immunology)
RCS Kimbrel, Nathan A Durham, NCGenomics Research/Suicidality
RCS Kimple, Michelle Madison, WIDiabetes
SRCS Kindy, Mark S Tampa, FLNeurodegenerative Diseases (AD, PD, TBI)
RCS Kineman, Rhonda Chicago, ILLiver Disorders
RCS Kiser, Philip Long Beach, CASensory Loss (Vision)
SRCS Kowluru, Anjan Detroit, MIDiabetes (Beta cells)
RCS Kraemer, Brian Seattle, WAAging and neurodegenerative diseases
RCS Lau, Yun-Fai Chris San Francisco, CACancer (Prostate)
RCS Lazartigues, Eric D New Orleans, LACardiovascular Disease
RCS Liu, Jialing San Francisco, CABrain Disorders (Stroke)
RCS Madhabushi, Anant Decatur, GAAI, Precision Oncology
RCS Mateika, Jason H Detroit, MILung Disorders (Apnea)
RCS Merlin, Didier Decatur, GAGastroenterology (IBS)
RCS Miller, Benjamin Oklahoma City, OKMusculoskeletal atrophy
RCS Mohan, Rajiv Columbia, MOSensory Loss (Vision)
SRCS Mohan, Subburaman Loma Linda, CABone Disorders
RCS Mohapatra, Shyam S Tampa, FLNanotherapeutics (RSV,Cancer)
RCS Mohapatra, Subhra Tampa, FLCancer (Colon) & TBI
RCS Morris, Andrew Little Rock, ARLipid metabolism (carfiovascular and metabolic disease)
SRCS Nakshatri, Harikrishna Indianapolis, INCancer (Breast)
RCS Nyman, Jeffry S. Nashville, TNBone Disorders
RCS Olszewski, Michal Ann Arbor, MILung Immunology
RCS Pahan, Kalipada Chicago, ILNeurodegenerative disorders
SRCS Pandey, Subhash C Chicago, ILSubstance Use Disorders (Alcohol)
SRCS Pasinetti, Giulio M Bronx, NYNeurodegenerative (AD,ALS,GWI)
RCS Patel, Hemal San Diego, CACardiovascular Disease
RCS Patel, Niketa Tampa, FLObesity, Diabetes
RCS Peachey, Neal S Cleveland, OHSensory Loss (Vision)
SRCS Pozzi, Ambra Nashville, TNKidney Disorders
RCS Raffai, Robert San Francisco, CADiabetic Atherosclerosis
RCS Rahmouni, Kamal Iowa City, IACardiovascular Disease
RCS Rana, Ajay Chicago, ILCancer
RCS Rasenick, Mark Chicago, ILMental Health (Neuropsychiatry)
SRCS Rather, Philip N Decatur, GAInfectious Diseases (Acinetobacter Baumannii)
RCS Rector, Randy Columbia, MOLiver Disorders (NASH)
RCS Rhoades (Sterling), Julie Nashville, TNCancer (metastatic disease)
SRCS Richards, Tamara Portland, ORSubstance Use Disorders (Alcohol)
SRCS Richardson, Arlan G Oklahoma City, OKBiology of Aging
RCS Risbrough, Victoria San Diego, CATBI, PTSD
RCS Riscoe, Michael K Portland, ORInfectious Diseases (Malaria)
RCS Rishi, Arun K Detroit, MICancer (Breast)
RCS Robling, Alexander Indianapolis, INBone Disorders
SRCS Rohrer, Baerbel Charleston, SCSensory Loss (Vision)
SRCS Said, Hamid M Long Beach, CAGastronterology (Vitamin Transport)
RCS Setaluri, Vijayasaradhi Madison, WICancer (Melanoma)
SRCS Shafer, William M Decatur, GAInfectious Disease (Gonococcal Infection)
RCS Shahrara, Shiva Chicago, ILRheumatoid Arthritis, inflamation
SRCS Shiromani, Priyattam J Charleston, SCSleep Disorders
SRCS Shmookler Reis, Robert J Little Rock, ARNeurodegenerative Diseases (AD)
SRCS Siegel, Jerome M Sepulveda, CASleep Disorders
RCS Singh, Amar B Omaha, NEPTSD-associated gut dysbiosis, IBD
RCS Smith, Charles J Columbia, MOCancer (radiopharmaceuticals)
RCS Strigo, Irina San Francisco, CANeurobiology (Pain)
SRCS Strong, John (Randy) San Antonio, TXBiology of Aging
RCS Sun, Dandan Pittsburgh, PAStroke, TBI
RCS Tomlinson, Stephen Charleston, SCTBI, Stroke
RCS Tregellas, Jason Denver, COMental Health (Schizophrenia)
SRCS Tsukamoto, Hidekazu Sepulveda, CAAlcoholic Liver Disease
SRCS Van Remmen, Holly Oklahoma City, OKDiabetes and Related Disorders
SRCS Vandenbark, Arthur A Portland, ORBrain Disorders (MS)
RCS Vazquez-Padron, Roberto Miami, FLCardiovascular Disease
RCS Vazquez-Torres, Andres Denver, COInfectious Diseases
RCS Vemuganti, Raghu Madison, WIStroke
RCS Vendantam, Gayatri Tucson, AZInfectious Diseases (C. difficile)
SRCS Verfaellie, Mieke Boston, MAMental Health (Memory)
SRCS Wang, Jian-Ying Baltimore, MDGut Permeability
RCS Wang, Xiao Jing Mather, CACancer
SRCS Webster, Nicholas J San Diego, CADiabetes (Insulin Receptor Gene)
RCS Wray, D. Walter Salt Lake City, UTCardiovascular Disease
RCS Wu, Mack Tampa, FLSurgery (Sepsis)
SRCS Wu, Xue-Ru New York, NYCancer (Bladder)
RCS Wyatt, Todd A Omaha, NELung (Alcohol and Smoking)
RCS Xiang, Yang Mather, CACardiovascular Disease
RCS Yang, Tianxin Salt Lake City, UTRenal Hypertension
RCS Yao, Qizhi Houston, TXCancer
RCS Zaika, Alexander Miami, FLCancer (Esophageal Reflux and Carcinoma)
RCS Zhang, Guang-He Louisville, KYBone health
RCS Zhou, Huiping Richmond, VADigestive Diseases
RCS Zhu, Haining Tucson, AZNeurodegenerative Disorders

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Any health information on this website is strictly for informational purposes and is not intended as medical advice. It should not be used to diagnose or treat any condition.