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In This Issue

Program highlightsthumbnail

MVP hits milestone: 100,000th Veteran enrolled

In October a Veteran in Milwaukee became the 100,000th person nationwide to enroll in VA's Million Veteran Program, or MVP...

Technology horizonsthumbnail

Providence VA launches neurotechnology center

The Center for Neurorestoration and Neurotechnology, based in Providence, will receive $900,000 per year for five years from VA. The center's mission is to develop and test new technologies to help Veterans and others with conditions such as spinal cord injury, stroke, ALS, Parkinson's disease, multiple sclerosis, brain injury, and posttraumatic stress...

Impact on Carethumbnail

New cell therapy may help prevent amputations

An experimental therapy being studied at several VA medical centers may help Veterans at risk for limb amputation...

Journal Scan

'Same day' primary and mental health care helps continuity

When VA patients are seen by a mental health counselor on the same day they initiate primary care, they are twice as likely to have a follow-up mental health visit within 90 days, compared with patients who receive no same-day mental health services...

Medical interns: Is their time well-spent?thumbnail

According to a VA study, hospital interns spend some 40 percent of their time on the computer, reviewing patients' charts, writing notes, or entering orders. Relatively little time—around 12 percent-is spent at patients' bedsides...

Hyperbaric oxygen fails to show benefit in TBI trialthumbnail

A recently concluded clinical trial of hyperbaric oxygen therapy, one of several being conducted by DoD and VA investigators, finds no benefits from the therapy for Veterans with symptoms of mild TBI ...

Career Milestones

Three VA researchers named to Institute of Medicinethumbnailthumbnailthumbnail

The prestigious Institute of Medicine named three VA researchers as new members at its annual meeting last month ...

Informatics leader takes on new role

thumbnail Thomas K. Houston, MD, MPH, director of VA's eHealth Quality Enhancement Research Initiative (QUERI), was elected as a fellow to the American College of Medical Informatics...

Profile thumbnail

Nobel-winner Andrew Schally marks 50 years with VA

Dr. Andrew Schally may not yet have found the fabled "cure for cancer," but he's come about as close as any biomedical researcher. He was honored at the Miami VA Medical Center last month on the occasion of his 5oth anniversary as a VA researcher...

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