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Wreaths Across America Radio

Wreaths Across America Radio, an online platform that airs Veteran-centric shows, is interviewing accomplished VA researchers on a series of health-related topics that impact the Veteran community.

<strong>Dr. John Michael Gaziano</strong><br> Cardiologist, Chronic Disease Epidemiologist <br>VA Boston Healthcare System

Dr. John Michael Gaziano
Cardiologist, Chronic Disease Epidemiologist
VA Boston Healthcare System

Atherosclerotic Cardiovascular Disease (ASCVD), also known as coronary heart disease or coronary artery disease, is the leading cause of death and disease among Veterans and all Americans. Dr. Gaziano explains that the disease affects the arteries, which become clogged with fat and other toxins. That narrows the arteries and impedes blood flow, causing heart attacks and strokes. He notes that 2-3 million Veterans with ASCVD receive health care at VA facilities.

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<strong>Dr. Grant Huang</strong><br>VA Deputy Chief Research and Development Officer

Dr. Grant Huang
VA Deputy Chief Research and Development Officer

On the Wreaths Across America Radio Morning Show Veterans Affairs feature, Michael W. Hale speaks with Dr. Grant Huang, the Deputy Chief Research and Development Officer in VA's Office of Research and Development (ORD). He shares the ORD's goals and priorities, as well as the importance of VA clinical trials.

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<strong>Dr. John Kaplan</strong><br>Director, VA Technology Transfer Program

Dr. John Kaplan
Director, VA Technology Transfer Program

VA’s Technology Transfer Program (TTP) helps commercialize VA inventions to benefit Veterans and the American public. Dr. Kaplan says TTP facilitates partnerships with companies that can manufacture these inventions and provide them to health care providers and Veterans. He discussed recent inventions that TTP has made available to Veterans, including Habit Camera, which is licensed to a small Veteran-owned business to help disabled Veterans in self-care.

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<strong>Dr. Jack Tsai</strong><br />Research Director, Acting Director VA National Center on Homelessness Among Veterans

Dr. Jack Tsai
Research Director, Acting Director VA National Center on Homelessness Among Veterans

Preventing Veteran homelessness and quickly resolving homelessness when it occurs are top VA priorities. Dr. Tsai says VA is on track to meet both of its FY24 goals to get 41,000 Veterans into permanent housing and ensure that those housed during the year don’t return to homelessness. He explains that VA will have “equally ambitious” goals for FY25. He also elaborates on such issues as how VA prevents Veterans from becoming homeless.

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<strong>Dr. Debby Tsuang </strong><br>Director, Memory Disorders Clinic<br> VA Puget Sound Health Care System

Dr. Debby Tsuang
Director, Memory Disorders Clinic
VA Puget Sound Health Care System

Dementia is a term for a group of disorders that slowly spreads to other parts of the brain. Dr. Tsuang explains that dementia symptoms can be linked to the loss and shrinkage of brain cells and their connections to other brain cells. She says about 5% of Veterans who use VA health care have been diagnosed with dementia, a figure that jumps to 10-30% among non-Veterans.

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<strong>Dr. Bruce Montgomery</strong> <br>Oncologist, VA Puget Sound Health Care System

Dr. Bruce Montgomery
Oncologist, VA Puget Sound Health Care System

Precision oncology is the practice of treating patients based on differences in a tumor, instead of the old-fashioned way of treating everyone with the same therapy. Dr. Montgomery notes that precision oncology can "dramatically improve" treatment for patients. He also praises VA for doing an "exceptional job" and perhaps better than private facilities in making precision oncology available to Veterans.

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<strong>Dr. Mark Unruh</strong> <br>Nephrologist, VA New Mexico Healthcare System

Dr. Mark Unruh
Nephrologist, VA New Mexico Healthcare System

Chronic kidney disease (CKD) refers to anything that impairs the function of the kidney. Dr. Unruh explains that risk factors for CKD are diabetes, hypertension, age and family history, noting that treatments include diuretics, blood pressure drugs and beta blockers. He says it's "really exciting" that new drugs are available to Veterans that can slow the progression of CKD, such as GLP-1 receptors and SGLT-2 inhibitors.

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<strong>Dr. Tannaz Moin</strong> <br>Endocrinologist, VA Greater Los Angeles Healthcare System
<strong>Dr. Jean-Pierre Raufman</strong><br>Gastroenterologist, VA Maryland Healthcare System

Dr. Jean-Pierre Raufman
Gastroenterologist, VA Maryland Healthcare System

About 150,000 Americans develop colorectal cancer every year, with a third likely to die from the disease—the same number of people who die from car accidents. Dr. Raufman notes that the average age of people who contract the disease, both in the Veteran and general population, is 66, but that he’s seen an “alarming trend” of many people in their 30s and some in their 20s experiencing colorectal cancer.

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<strong>Dr. Elizabeth Yano</strong><br>Director, VA's Women's Health Research Network

Dr. Elizabeth Yano
Director, VA's Women's Health Research Network

The VA Women’s Health Research Network is transforming VA’s capacity to examine and reduce gender disparities in health and health care and use research to increase the delivery of evidence-based care tailored to the needs of women Veterans. Dr. Yano discusses a cross-section of topics related to VA women’s health, including what women Veterans can expect when they come to VA for their health care and VA research initiatives on women Veterans.

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<strong>Dr. Rudy Johnson</strong><br>Director, VA's Military Exposures Research Program

Dr. Rudy Johnson
Director, VA's Military Exposures Research Program

VA's Military Exposures Research Program (MERP) is an actively managed portfolio of research studies related to toxic military exposures. Dr. Johnson explains that MERP is important because it was formed, in part, with Veteran input to address gaps in research on toxic substances. He also discusses the PACT Act.

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<strong>Dr. Christopher Slatore</strong><br>Pulmonary/Critical Care Physician, VA Portland Health Care System

Dr. Christopher Slatore
Pulmonary/Critical Care Physician, VA Portland Health Care System

With lung cancer being the No. 1 cause of cancer-related deaths among Veterans, Dr. Slatore speaks about the importance of Veterans undergoing lung cancer screening once a year, specifically with the CT Scan. Multiple VA trials, he says, have shown that annual testing is essential.

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<strong>Dr. David Cifu</strong><br> VA Senior TBI Specialist<br> Principal Investigator for the Long-term Impact of Military-relevant Brain Injury Consortium - Chronic Effects of Neurotrauma Consortium (LIMBIC-CENC)

Dr. David Cifu
VA Senior TBI Specialist
Principal Investigator for the Long-term Impact of Military-relevant Brain Injury Consortium - Chronic Effects of Neurotrauma Consortium (LIMBIC-CENC)

Traumatic brain injury (TBI) is a major topic in VA research because it is a frequent injury among the Veteran population. Dr. Cifu notes that 16% of all U.S. combatants in Iraq and Afghanistan had at least one concussion (mild TBI), and that 40% of that cohort experienced a form of long-term difficulty.

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<strong>Dr. Jay Gorman</strong><br> Clinical Psychologist, VA Bedford Healthcare System

Dr. Jay Gorman
Clinical Psychologist, VA Bedford Healthcare System

Veterans socials are regular meetings at restaurants and other places intended to decrease loneliness and isolation. Dr. Gorman discusses his emphasis on these socials as a type of “upstream” suicide prevention care, and how his research is aimed at preventing suicidal risk prior to the point of crisis.

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<strong>Dr. Sarina Sinclair</strong> <br> Director, Osseointegration Clinical Research Program, VA Salt Lake City Healthcare System

Dr. Sarina Sinclair
Director, Osseointegration Clinical Research Program, VA Salt Lake City Healthcare System

New in-the-bone implants for below-the-knee and above-the-elbow amputees are fundamentally changing the capabilities of prosthetic devices. Dr. Sinclair discusses how her leadership of feasibility studies in this area is helping Veterans without upper or lower limbs.

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<strong>Dr. Minhaj Siddiqui </strong><br> Chief of Urology, VA Maryland Healthcare System

Dr. Minhaj Siddiqui
Chief of Urology, VA Maryland Healthcare System

Prostate screening is critical among Veterans because many are ages 60 to 75, the period when prostate cancer is most likely to occur. However, Dr. Siddiqui emphasizes new research showing the importance of men undergoing prostate cancer screening as soon as their early 50s.

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<strong>Dr. Sumitra Muralidhar </strong><br>Director, VA’s Million Veteran Program

Dr. Sumitra Muralidhar
Director, VA’s Million Veteran Program

VA’s Million Veteran Program (MVP) is one of the world’s largest and most diverse databases of health and genetic information. Dr. Muralidhar discusses the purpose of and goals of MVP after the program hit a historic milestone of 1 million participants.

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