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Office of Research & Development

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Field Research Advisory Committee (FRAC)


The FRAC is designed to broadly represent the field of VA researchers. It consists of key representatives from the field as well as VACO staff. Representatives are elected for 3-year terms, with one-third of the field membership rotating off annually. The FRAC meets on a monthly or quarterly basis, with minutes published for distribution to the field. In order to facilitate better communication among the representatives on the FRAC, a conference call is held to discuss issues. The representatives are responsible for establishing and maintaining communication networks within their respective regions.

Field Research Representatives

Membership of the FRAC will be comprised of both VA Central Office (VACO) and field staff. VACO members are appointed by virtue of their position. Field members are elected by the constituency they represent.

Members from VACO will include the CRADO, Deputy CRADOs, and the Directors of the four research services within ORD: Biomedical Laboratory Research and Development Service (BLR&D), Clinical Science Research and Development Service (CSR&D), Health Services Research and Development Service (HSR&D), and Rehabilitation Research and Development Service (RR&D).

Members from the field will include five Associate Chiefs of Staff for Research and Development (ACOS/R&D), one Director of an HSR&D-funded Center of Innovation (COIN), one Director of an RR&D-funded Center, one Chairman of a Cooperative Study funded by CSR&D, one non-clinician Ph.D. scientist, and five Administrative Officers (AO).

VACO ORD Staff Representatives:

Chief Research and Development Officer (CRADO)
Director, Biomedical Laboratory R&D Service (BLR&D)
Director, Clinical Science R&D Service (CSR&D)
Director, Rehabilitation R&D Services (RR&D)
Director, Health Services R&D (HSR&D)
Director, QUERI

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