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Office of Research & Development

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VA Canine Reseach Presentations





17 July 2019

VA Research with Dogs, Cats, and Non-Human Primates

VA Office of Research Oversight Nationwide Bimonthly Call

Update - Why VA does this research, How does VA oversee it, and Where is more information about it available

25 April 2019

The Role of Canines in Biomedical Research

Federation of American Societies for Experimental Biology (webinar)

Reasons, Context, Responsibilities

26 March 2019

Canine Research in the Department of Veterans Affairs

If you have trouble getting the videos embedded in the PDF to play, click on the links below:

  • Cough Stimulator - A device that was developed through VA research with dogs
    • Research Participant Without the Cough Stimulator: Watch
    • Research Participant With the Cough Stimulator: Watch
    • Feedback from Research Participant: Watch
  • Canine Treadmill Stress Test - This video demonstrates a dog running as hard as it's ever asked to run for the research. Watch

Representatives of Veterans Service Organizations

How VA research with dogs benefits Veterans, what it involves, how it is overseen

9 December 2018

Canine Research in the Department of Veterans Affairs

National Academies of Science, Engineering and Medicine

Committee to Assess VA Research with Dogs

Introduction to VA Research with Dogs – why it’s done, what it involves, how it is overseen

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