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Gulf War Veterans' Illnesses for 1997

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Overview of the report

The President named the Secretary of Veterans Affairs (VA) to coordinate research funded by the Executive Branch of the Federal Government into the health consequences of service in the Gulf War. As part of its coordination role, VA submits to the Veterans' Affairs Committees an annual report on the results and status of research activities.

In addition to the federally funded research efforts highlighted in this Annual Report, there are noteworthy research projects funded by sources other than the Executive Branch of the Federal Government. Because this research adds to, and builds upon, knowledge gained through federally funded efforts, the Annual Report for 1997 includes research findings of non-federally funded investigators published in peer reviewed scientific journals since the Annual Report for 1996.

The Annual Report for 1997 provides:

  • summaries of recently published research findings;
  • an overview of the evolution and current status of the federal research portfolio on Gulf War veterans' illnesses;
  • a discussion of significant research-related events and milestones since the Annual Report for 1996; and
  • an overview of federal research management.

The Appendix to the Report contains:

  • detailed supplemental information including brief descriptions of the research protocols;
  • status and results of all ongoing and completed federally funded research projects;
  • annual funding levels of research projects;
  • abstracts from two major national scientific meetings; solicitations for new research;
  • a strategic plan for research on health effects of low-level exposure to chemical warfare nerve agents; and
  • a status report on development and use of experimental serological tests for leishmaniasis infection.

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